OCD-TIR panels
10/19" inch- & toollessUI racks
How to navigate the gallery:
1. select type of rack.
2. Hoover over the pictures to see more info.
3. When done looking, goto to the product-configurators, see bottom of the page

OCDTIR 1019inch family1
OCDTIR 1019 1U blank
OCDTIR 1019 2U blank
OCDTIR 1019 1U full brushinlet
OCDTIR 1019 5keystones
rack 2 klar
rack 3 klar
Toolless family pic3
Toolless family pic2
Toolless blank 1U panel
Toolless blank 2U panel
Toolless 1U vent left half
Toolless 1U vent right half
Toolless 1U vent full
Toolless OCDTIR 1019 2U vent left half
Toolless OCDTIR 1019 2U vent full
Toolless OCDTIR 1019 2U vent right half
Toolless OCDTIR 1019 1U brush LEFT half
Toolless OCDTIR 1019 1U brush RIGTH half
Toolless OCDTIR 1019 1U brush full
Toolless family pic
Toolless blank panels family pic5